Thursday, April 10, 2003

The Daily Californian


1st point: nice car.

2nd point: A Glock AND a .38! Dang! That is "Chow Yun Fat gun in each hand" style!


Daily Cal Staff Writer

Wednesday, April 9, 2003

Actor Sean Penn's car was stolen as he lunched at a Downtown Berkeley restaurant yesterday afternoon, police said.

The car, a black 1987 Buick Grand National, was taken in broad daylight between 1 and 2:45 p.m. while it was parked on the 2300 block of Shattuck Avenue, said Berkeley police Officer Mary Kusmiss.

"It was quite bold," Kusmiss said.

Penn, 42, told police he had a loaded 9 mm Glock handgun inside his car in addition to an unloaded .38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver in the trunk.

It was legal for Penn to have the guns in his car because he has a state concealed weapons permit, Kusmiss said.

An officer remembered seeing the car heading south on Shattuck from Derby Street about 2:35 p.m before Penn reported the theft, Kusmiss said.

Penn was eating lunch at Venus restaurant with his assistant when the theft occurred.

The actor was "very mellow" in the aftermath of the crime, Kusmiss said.

Penn declined to comment about the incident.

"I'm not talking. I'm just having a cigarette," Penn told The Daily Californian.

About 70 percent of cars stolen in Berkeley are eventually found.

Kusmiss said Penn's car may turn up sooner than others because it is a distinctive model that is "highly visible."

Penn, who lives in Marin County, is a three-time Academy Award nominee for Best Actor.

His car has a California license plate of 2GRS995.

Anybody with information about this case can contact the Berkeley Police Department at 981-5900.

Nate Tabak covers crime. E-mail him at

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