Tuesday, March 30, 2004

How to render the Segway Human Transporter obsolete: add a thirdwheel.

This guy writes some of the funniest stuff on the web.

How to render the Segway Human Transporter obsolete: add a third


"Every once in a while someone invents something so simple and elegant that it makes you say 'damn, why didn't I think of that?' Then there are the other inventions, the ones that make you say 'man, I know exactly why I didn't think of that: that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen.' Introducing Segway, transporter of humans. Of all the places you'll inevitably be transported to, the first place will be the bank because the Segway will cost you one healthy kidney, $4,500, and a pint of virgin blood."

lots more at the link

Today on CNN's Money Gang (I really like this show) the CEO of Pep Boys was on. They mentioned Pep Boys was selling a 1,000 dollar Segway like scooter. So I looked it up on the web. What they are selling is this.

It has 3 wheels.

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