Thursday, April 22, 2004

Fiat 500 Air Conditioning

Today on the way to work I saw a Fiat 500 on 580. You never see these anywhere. You would never see one on the freeway around here. But I did. I don't know if the guy driving was foolish or brave, but there it was.

So today on my KFOG show I mentioned it and dedicated Gary Numan's "Cars" to the the little Fiat.

They are really really small cars.

Got a couple of calls about it. One guy said his dad had one and could drive in circles inside his 2 car garage!

Then I got an email from a guy who had a Fiat 600 (pretty much the same thing) he said:

"My first car back in '69 was a Fiat 600. My favorite thing was the Owners Manual. There was a page for air conditioning which had a picture of the handle to roll down the window."

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