Tuesday, October 19, 2004

hmm and idea for web audio and Podcasting

In audio recording programs you can record something live and use a keyboard stroke to mark your audio. So if you hear something realy good or bad, you can go back and find it quicker. It's a great timesaver while recording and editing.

Wouldn't it be cool if you could record some spoken word audio, and combine it with some voice recognition and have it on the web. The idea wouldn't be to put a transcription on the web but links to audio clips.

Let's say you had an interview or long audio clip. You want to put it on the web and make it easy to find topics in the audio. So this magic program helps you. As the speaker changes subject or is in an important part of their speech this program would respond to your keystroke and recognize say 10 seconds of audio, make that a url link wih the text from the voice recognition as the link. It saves you from making lots of edits and seperate audio files and links.

So you end up with a long audio file, and web links that you can use to find highlited parts of the audio. Put it on a web page and listeners can find their way around the audio and its topics quickly and easily.

So what is this program? Dunno. Probably t'aint one.

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