Friday, April 10, 2009

Big Rick's Easter Message to the Hipsters

Hey Easter is here. I'm kind of into that Jesus thing.

Start talking religion and people get all wound up.

Don't worry I'll keep this short.

For me I see a very big difference between 2 things about Jesus Christ.

1) The guy and what he said and did.

2) The institutions that developed after he left.

I am always impressed by his words and actions. He hung out with the poor and the outcast. He really led by example, and I am inspired by his words and deeds.

The other is what I call the "secret handshake" stuff. The big "C" "Church". Loved by many around the world, not so much by others.

In the word I live in, California, San Francisco, entertainment, music, hipsters, etc it is really popular to slag off both items 1 and 2.

Now I don't think that the big C is bad or evil or any of that. Because the big C is really people, it good, bad, and everything else. It is a reflection of who we are. And I see it as different than item 1.

You can get caught up in all the secret handshake details and lose sight of the basic teaching of item 1.

In my world it is really unpopular to find hope, inspiration, guidance, insight, and peace in your life from items 1 and 2.

But I do. Everyday.

I started my look back into all of this a few years ago when family health issues came roaring into my life. That happens fast to you when you get to be 40 something. The secret handshake stuff clouded over the basics of what I wanted and needed to find.

I read more and more from the New Testament. The simple stuff at first, the Gospels. As a kid it seemed so hard to read and understand, but as an adult it was far easier to read and made much more sense. No doubt I was more open to the message at this age as well.

You can re-start slowly. Get in at the shallow end of the pool. Wade around a little. See what works for you. Probably all of it won't and some of it will.

As for all the people in the deep end saying "come over here or else!" well you can get there at your own pace.

Add a little something else to your reading list. Try some G K Chesterton, or Thomas Aquinas.

And give yourself time to think. Get off the internet. Shut off the phone. Stop all the input for a bit and see where you really are and let your mind start to work things out. Walk, hike, bicycle, hey ride a motorcycle to LA and back if that's your thing. Just give you mind some peace. You might find the most amazing thoughts and ideas come floating in if you only give them the space and time.

This is a perfect time to take in an Easter flower arrangement and just wonder at the beauty of it all. That's a pretty good starting point.

Hey you might never get into the deep end of the pool. In fact some people will always say you aren't in far enough no matter how far you go. Maybe it doesn't matter.

Just get your toes wet at first.

I'm not so much into the secret handshake stuff, but I guess after 4 years of Catholic High School, and College I lean Catholic, but I'm not in the club as an official member.

I guess I'm not much of a California, San Francisco, Hipster either.

Oh Well.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick, ~

    As a Lutheran, may I just point out that we get hives when the word "change" is brought up..however I do sneak over to mass with some of my family once in a while. (As Dana Carvy once said, Lutherans are "Catholic light")! Take care of yourself please, Rick, and keep pedaling :)
