Thursday, March 25, 2004

Richard Clarke, at War With Himself

In this article Richard Clarke, at War With Himself Romesh Ratnesar a Stanford Daily vet, digs into Clarke's book for Time magazine.

How it ends:

"Leaving aside the fact that Bush never fails to insist that the terror threat is as great today as it was on 9/11, these passages reveal the polemical, partisan mean-spiritedness that lies at the heart of Clarke's book, and to an even greater degree, his television appearances flacking it. That's a shame, since many of his contentions - about the years of political and intelligence missteps that led to 9/11, the failure of two Administrations to destroy al-Qaeda and the potentially disastrous consequences of the U.S. invasion of Iraq - deserve a wide and serious airing. From now on, the country would be best served if Clarke lets the facts speak for themselves."


Gee ya think somebody else is going to rush out a book on 9/11 before the election? Pointing fingers at Clinton or Bush?

I fear this whole thing becomes part of a rubberband ball that just keeps getting bigger with more and more infighting and finger-pointing and the election will totally take everyone's eye off the terror threat. They want to do it again. We know that. It is not good to drive in the rear view mirror.

I was too young to know, but the stories of the Kennedy presidency and how the country was so united by him and his election all seem so far away from the options we have now. Maybe it is a bit of an overblown legend, and history has show Kennedy wasn't a perfect role model, but it sure would be nice to hear a positive unifying message for the whole country this election year, not just the a dividing speech about how the other guy is an ass. But that is what we'll get and no matter who is elected 1/2 the country is gonna hate the next president. And of course they'll have every right to. And of course those that hate the US will love it.

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