Friday, April 2, 2004

NCAA Final 4 on education? err umm...

I know the situation in men NCAA hoops is bad, I had no idea it is this bad. I wonder how the women's NCAA rates compare?

Watching Shep on Fox news interview Robert Becker Fox sports legal columnist.

Shep: "4 schools in the tournament didn't graduate a single solitary human being" (he means from the men's basketball team)

Becker: "right right"

on the screen crawl

"of 65 teams (in the men's tournament) 4 (!) had graduation rates of over 50 percent"

"16 schools published no graduation rates at all"

"of the final 4 only Duke had graduation rate of over 50 percent"

"Duke had a 4 year basketball graduation rate of 67 percent"

"Georgia Tech and CT both had 27 percent 4 year basketball grad rate"

"Oklahoma's grad rate for basketball was not listed"

Robert Becker: "There are over 50 division 1 schools that in the past 10 years have not graduated a single black athlete"

There are about 110 division one schools.

They referred to this article.

more in this ABC news article that includes this

"Just last month, the University of Georgia was rocked by scandal over a test given to students in a course in basketball that was taught by Jim Harrick Jr., son of Georgia's men's basketball coach Jim Harrick.

The multiple-choice test included such brain twisters as "How many quarters are there in a high school basketball game?" and "How many points does a three-point field goal account for?"

I had a chance to play football in college on a scholarship. Every school I visited (not that many, all local) had a bunch of nitwits on the football team. I wondered if I wanted to be like them in 4 years. I didn't. I spent my college years hanging out with the nitwits in the college radio dept! One must choose their nitwits wisely.

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