Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Lance on France

900,000 fans lined the course Wednesday. It was reported that a couple of people spit on Lance, you could hear the "boo's" as he went in close around the corners, and there were a few anti Lance messages painted on the road. Lance said it was the German fans who were doing most of it. The main rival to Lance is a German rider. With all that here is what he said after the race from:

VeloNews: 2004 Tour de France Special Coverage

Meanwhile, while Armstrong would not expand on his optimism of winning in Paris, he went to great lengths to explain his appreciation for the French, and invited them to celebrate.

His comments came when asked about his time in France, if it has been a life-learning experience and if he feels Americans have failed to understand French ways.

His answer may help pave the way for a collective party for a historic victory, rather than the occasion for chest-beating by Americans that some perceive his annual victories to be.

Asked about the differences, he said, 'Especially today, when there is a misunderstanding between the two countries based on world politics and the respective leaders.

'I have an interesting relationship with this country. It has made my career as a cyclist and everything that it is. If someone asked what is my favourite country besides Texas ... America, I would say France.

'I have come to love the country. I have lived in it. I have an interesting relationship with most of them even though you might sometimes not see it.'


Hmm does he really think that or is he saying that to make his next week a little easier? Maybe a little of both.

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