Friday, July 2, 2004

What've you got?

Johnny engages Kathie in conversation in the restaurant, pressing her for a date that evening and an invitation to Carbonville's dance. In response, the hard-working waitress questions the untamed leader of the gang about where the bikers are going, and what they do when they ride around. He is incredulous as he teases her about her conventional lifestyle and attitudes:

Kathie: Where are you going when you leave here? Don't you know?

Johnny: (scoffing) Oh man, we just gonna go.

Kathie: Just trying to make conversation. It means nothing to me.

Johnny: Well, on the weekends, we go out and have a ball.

Kathie: And what do you do? I mean, do you just ride around? Or do you go on some sort of a picnic or something?

Johnny: A picnic? Man, you are too square. I'll have to straighten you out. Now, listen, you don't go any one special place. That's cornball style. You just go. (He snaps his fingers.) A bunch gets together after all week it builds up, you just...the idea is to have a ball. Now if you gonna stay cool, you got to wail. You got to put somethin' down. You got to make some jive. Don't you know what I'm talkin' about?

Envious of his ability to move on whenever he wishes, Kathie tells him she knows what he means: "My father was going to take me on a fishing trip to Canada once...We didn't go." Her life has been one of stultifying, small-town repression, denial, and restriction.

As he and his boys are guzzling beer and dancing with some of the ladies in the bar, one female dance partner questions Johnny:

Hey, Johnny, What are you rebelling against?

While tapping out a jazzy beat on the top of the jukebox, he raises his eyebrow and drawls his amorphous reason for rebellion:

"What've you got?"

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