Thursday, October 21, 2004

Hooray For The Good Guys

Soldiers Deliver Supplies to Iraqi Children

"WASHINGTON, Oct. 10, 2004 -- Smiling children shouting joyfully filled a nearby school as soldiers distributed stuffed animals, clothes, book bags and school supplies during a civil affairs mission in Al Anwar village, Iraq, Oct 9."

more at the link

Wanna help? (sure you do!)

Operation Give is a good place to look.

Here's what they say:

Our Mission Statement

To bring hope and a piece of happiness to the deprived people more specifically the children in Iraq and Afghanistan, by servicing the requests of caring soldiers and civilians, to the end that we might win the hearts and minds of the people of this region of the world. As the bastion of freedom, through your kind donations and contributions we hope to provide the soldiers with the resources they need to perform random acts of kindness on behalf of the American people, for the vary people they are fighting for. Also, using these donations to fulfill the requests of civilians who are in need of certain items, but more importantly those who are in need of learning. We believe in the adage that it is better to teach someone how to fish rather than giving him or her a fish.

Our Philosophy

We believe that the future lies in the hands of the children. We can make a difference one child at a time, through small acts of kindness, instilling hope in a brighter future. We can through love and kindness change a new generations attitudes towards the western world and thwart of the evil forces of men that desire to keep these people in bondage.

You can help

We need your help in building a new world of peaceful loving children who no longer live according to the teachings of hatred and discrimination. Children, with hope, will initiate changes to bring about a peaceful world family. We can instill tolerance and cooperation through intra-cultural interaction, intra-world interaction as we initiate adopt a family, a class room, a school, or a hospital program, to break down the walls of ignorance and intolerance.

Choose a program: donate to your cause - shoes in Afghanistan, school supplies, medical supplies, toys, etc.

Help to pay for our expenses; for shipping, for our warehouse, and other overhead expenses by donating.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very worthwhile effort, thanks for posting this. I heard recently on the bbc late night, an interview with a soccer coach from Saudi Arabia. He said that "children are our future leaders" and how important it was to nourish them with food and education and high values, etc. All the good stuff. The basics need to be covered first and this is the way to help do that..
