Tuesday, August 2, 2005

The new planet(s) past Pluto, for reals tho!

"We're all familiar with the solar system: one star -- the Sun -- in the center,

4 inner planets, an asteroid belt, four giant planets, and then Pluto.

This may now change. Two new objects were announced today, and both are

big, maybe as big as Pluto. One is almost certainly bigger

than Pluto! If this pans out, then we'll either have to say there

are 10 planets in the solar system, or we'll have to redefine

Pluto as something other than a planet. Why? Well,

let's discuss."

Yes let's. Follow the link to Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy

but it's really good ya see...

oh yea astrology? pure bullcrap but of course...

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