Tuesday, October 11, 2005

another bittersweet post from Anchorage KY firefighters

from the blog Anchorage Katrina Relief set up and updated by Anchorage KY firefighters in the gulf helping out.

"The last couple of days we've been visiting nearly every nook and cranny of Biloxi, culprit, and Pass Christian, inspecting sites for trailers. We call the evacuees and have them meet us at their house....or what was their house. We then try to locate electricity, water, and sewer hookup and try to get them working. If we can, and the area is relatively free of debris, we give the go-ahead to deliver the trailer. Needless to say, people are extremely glad to see us. Many hugs and handshakes. A few tears."

"We've also taken the opportunity to tour the area. The picture above is of the I-90 bridge, which as you can see, isn't there anymore. On the other side of the bridge, the lanes were intact, but picked up and moved a full three lanes to the right. They later collapsed."

"The destruction is amazing, and beginning to take a toll on everyone. It begins to get very depressing driving through street after street of flattened buildings. I can only imagine how hard it is for the residents. It has to be very difficult. And yet, nearly everyone we've met has been positive. When they find out we're firefighters, they all thank us for coming down to help them and always want to shake our hands."

more at the link above

So where is Shepard Smith et al. with coverage of this? Not happening, not gonna happen. Don't get me wrong here I don't want happy news all day, but if the media followed up a little longer we (and the world) would get the full view of what happened and what is now being done. Hey NO is drained, people like the above are busting butt and residents are still needing help. Maybe following up also helps prevent fraud and ripoffs.

Gee not following up on the success of a situation, only covering the bad stories, and leaving it to us to find out the now famous "rest of the story". Sounds like the Iraq coverage we've gotten used to. With the internets we are (and need to be) our own news directors to get a full picture of anything.

BWTM (but wait there's more)

from this press release

Active duty recruiting
The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force met or exceeded their recruiting goals in September.

Active duty retention
The Army, Air Force and Marine Corps exceeded their annual retention goals. The Navy achieved 91 percent of its mid-career goal.

Reserve forces recruiting
Three of the six reserve components, Army Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve and Air Force Reserve, exceeded their September recruiting goals. The latter two also exceeded their goals for the fiscal year.

Reserve forces retention
For September, Army National Guard retention was 104 percent of the cumulative goal of 32,571, and Air National Guard retention was 110 percent of its cumulative goal of 10,413. Losses in all reserve components in August were within acceptable limits. Indications are that trend continued into September.
numbers at the link

and I hope they all come home soon

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