Saturday, March 18, 2006

Iraq war day of protest

On The Drudge Report I read some links about the day of protest today against the war in Iraq. I'm very much ok with that, (like anybody asked or cares) but haven't heard any word of what the Iraqi people think of the idea (like anybody asked or cares).

from SF Gate:

...San Francisco's march was a sun-soaked parade, complete with street theater, drum circles and stilt-walkers, backing a panoply of political causes.

Various groups also carried signs or banners or distributed flyers that advocated a Palestinian territory, supported Israel, opposed the death penalty, backed humane treatment of animals, favored the legalization of marijuana, demanded the United States "keep its hands off" Cuba and Venezuela, called for a number of people to be set free, and even demanded the end of state laws banning smoking in bars.

"This is a protest against all sorts of violations of human rights," said smoking-ban protester John Vochatzer, a San Francisco college student who also works as a sex-show coordinator at an adult-entertainment venue. "And that's what I'm here to protest."

He said he was getting a mixed response to his message, but said:

"Whether it has a significant effect or not, at least it's standing up for something."

Actually I DO think that smokers are pretty picked on these days.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen zombie's photo reports of the protests? Hi-larious. I think it's
