Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rumsfeld's latest press briefing

the transcript is here

some of the questions:

What planning, if any has the Pentagon been undertaking for the possibility of military action involving Iran? And has the nuclear strike option been ruled out?

You mentioned you're not going to talk about planning or
possible planning looking down the road if the military option is needed. But
do those stories somehow affect, in your mind, the way the diplomacy moves
forward? Even though these stories are out there, does that affect the way
the diplomacy toward moves Iran moves forward?

was the plan perhaps valid or the criticism valid in that the amount of forces
attributed to the invasion or attack were too light? And two, did the plan cover what now seems to be an almost blindside of the level of the terrorist or insurgent violence?

there's four generals in one month who have called for
your head, so to speak. Now that you are the -- or have become the catalyst
of criticism of the war, do you think perhaps you are hurting the cause by
staying on?

To what do you attribute the fact that these retired
generals are now coming out with this criticism of you? And does it affect
your ability to do your job? Is there any danger that you will lose public
confidence because of it?

Mr. Secretary, you made it clear that the amount of troops
in Iraq is a condition-based thing and drawdown will not occur until the
commanders in the field say they're ready. You've also made a connection
between the number of Iraqi security forces trained and ready to go. Since
October, there's been a roughly 30 percent increase in ISF members, and I'm
wondering if you think that it's getting to a point where you really can make
some decisions about drawdown.

on May 21st General Franks told us from this podium that you had not yet
asked him to draw up plans for an attack on Iraq. We learned from Bob
Woodward's book that indeed six months earlier you had asked him to draw up
such plans. So why should the American people today believe you and the
president when it comes to reports of plans for an attack on Iran?

What were the answers to these and many other questions? See the link above.

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