I was wondering about the earthquakes off the bay area coast in the last week. So I decided to use ask-a-geologist
To: Ask-A-Geologist@usgs.gov
Subject: earthquakes off shore near San Francisco Bay area ?'s
I've noticed 3 earthquakes in the San Francisco area
a 3.6
a 2.9
a 3.4
2 off shore and one nearby the peninsula of the San Francisco bay.
Any relation to each other? Can you tell me what the fault(s) might be?
Is this the Pacific Shelf subduction zone?
Rick Stuart
San Francisco
here's the reply:
From: smills@usgs.gov
Subject: Re: earthquakes off shore near San Francisco Bay area ?'s
Given the depth of these events, less than 10 km, these are normal
side-slip movements along either the San Anreas fault or on its close
adjoining faults. The deeper events, the 12-25 miles deep ones, are in the
subduction zone. Just remember that, in about 15 million years, Los
Angeles will be alongside San Francisco; imagine running through Watts
during the Bay-to-Breakers.
The actual subduction zone is a bit farther north. That is characterized
by the presence of the volcanoes (Hood, Ranier, St Helens, Lassen),
although Mt Tamalpais, Mt Diablo, and the caldera at Scramento are extinct
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