Saturday, October 1, 2005

Anchorage KY Katrina Relief

Some firemen from Anchorage KY are in the gulf helping out and they have a have a blog with updates.

Good reading here.

stuff like this:

"Since families are collectively coming into the center, we took the opportunity to take the kids minds off of things by playing with them in the playroom hastily set up in the back of the DRC. We then tried to see how many kids our good friend and team member Fabio Basile could piggyback at one time. Many of the children told us about their houses with an odd sort of excitement. I guess when you're a kid, a tree in your living room is cool."

and this:

"As we began rolling down the coast we were awestruck. There's simply no other way to put it. I had seen the destroyed houses on the news, but I didn't expect to see the same destruction for twenty to thirty miles. Roads were out, water and sewage were still seeping through the ground and occasionally you'd smell the distinct odor of natural gas. And then there were smells that we couldn't identify. Deep, pungent, putrid smells that would literally take your breath away. Everything around us was decaying and mold was on virtually every dryboard wall we saw. Amidst the boards and bricks that once made up someone's home, were their personal clubs, clothes, kitchen utensils, shoes, medicine, cans of food, rotting vegetables, anything you can imagine. The majority of trees in the area were wrapped with blankets, clothes, bags and everything else the water could carry."

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