Saturday, October 8, 2005

Fleetweek SF, fuzzy fotos

Went out on the boat today to watch Fleet Week stuff. Very cool. Red Bull had these pylons set up along the SF waterfront and had timed races combined with stunts. It was the Red Bull Air Races. Saw about 6 passes. (check the video). The 3 planes were part of The Patriots air team. Then the Oracle stunt plane performed. I really liked the stunts, the spins etc. Just amazing stuff. The Air Force Air Combat team flew 2 planes, a F-16 West and a HF F-86. And of course the Blue Angels. Always quite a show. We were anchored south west of Alcatraz. I took a shot of my radar screen as we left. The dots are boats, the range is only .25 miles, so you can see how busy it was. The big white Bayliner tried to anchor for 2 hours next to me, but ended up drifting around with his anchor chain hanging of his bow. Thanks to Mr. P for helping us anchor with no problems, we shut off the engines and relaxed bobbin' in the water watching the shows.

The Angels did a few passes right over our heads. Good stuff. Loud stuff.

A local radio station had a live broadcast all day, we listened from about 3 pm on. The Blue Angels were a little late going off and started about 3:30pm. The station had to fill time and did a good job with an announcer that knew about flying, he did interviews with Red Bull pilots, gave Reno Air races info and more. Then when the Blue Angels started their announcer took over. It was nice to hear him on the radio and watch the show. At one point they put the lead pilot radio on the air and you could hear him give out instructions. Then about 3:57 during the show, they came on and thanked the sponsors, and signed off and the top of the hour news came on!? Who decided to pull the broadcast during the show? I'm sure it was scheduled to end at 4 pm, but they couldn't hang on for another 20 minutes? Bahh!

Oh well it was good while it was on the air. Note to self: bring a scanner next time...

On the way back we cruised past the big USS Boxer.

"Multi-Purpose Amphibious Assault ships are the largest amphibious ships in the world. The LHDs mission is to conduct prompt, sustained combat operations at sea, as part of the Navy's amphibious strategy. LHDs can deliver, command and support all elements of a Marine Landing Force assault by air and amphibious craft. LHDs utilize various combinations of helicopters, Harrier II (AV-8B) Jump Jets and air cushion landing craft (LCAC) in addition to conventional landing craft and assault vehicles. LHDs can also provide command and control and aircraft facilities for sea control missions, while operating with an aircraft carrier battle group. LHDs transport and land ashore troops tanks, trucks, artillery, ammunition and supplies to support and sustain amphibious assault missions."

The sister ships to the Boxer are in the gulf helping out with Kartina relief.

more on the ships in town

Here are some shots from the day. The Canadian military ship is the Protecteur. The container ship was leaving the Oakland Estuary as we were headed out. The back of the ship has new cars and trucks under the shelter, we think from the NUMMI plant in Fremont.

Sorry for the fuzzy pictures. A little point and shoot digital camera on a rocking boat taking shots of 300 mph Blue Angels doesn't really work out. Anyway imagine to yourself how it would look all sharp and clear.

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