Friday, October 7, 2005

WSJ: "Tackling Hybrids' Flawed Mileage Claims"

Since it is a top seller and "gets" great mileage, the Prius gets the most ink in yesterdays Wall Street Journal article.

The EPA gives the Prius a rating of 60 mpg. Wow sounds great!

The article mentions a SF resident that was expecting 60 mpg but got only 30. She asked her dealer about it, they first said it was the "cold weather" (Ohh good one service guys! They probably all had a laugh as she drove away...)

She asked again and this time they said that the Prius didn't get the mileage that was advertised on the vehicle. Aww not nearly as funny. But True That.

So what's up? Here's the deal.

Toyota does not set that 60 mpg number. The EPA tests the cars and gets the number. Their tests don't really match up with the real world driving styles of most people. Except maybe 50 year old UC Berkeley grad students in their 78 Volvo.

Lexus, part of Toyota, have a hybrid SUV, the RX 400h. The article says they are passing out a brochure listing reasons why the vehicle isn't getting the 31 mpg the EPA say it does.

Lexus points out that the EPA assumes drivers accelerate slowly, leave the AC off, and average 20 mph in city driving. They point out that quick acceleration, heavy braking, and driving at speeds above 60 mph can make mileage lower than the EPA estimate.

The SF resident now gets about 40 mpg and coasts down hills in The Sucka Free City. In the article she says "You have to be very mindful of how you drive to get good mileage."

So if it isn't too hot and you aren't in a hurry to start or stop a hybrid might get close the mileage you expected.

Maybe John Force should get a consulting job for the EPA.


New cars burn insanely clean and even non hybrid cars can get great mileage. Like the coming soon to the USA Honda Fit a 45/60 mpg gas powered car.

Some cars in some polluted cities have cleaner exhaust than the air they travel in. It would benefit us all if people bought new cars. Probably better mpg, and they would burn cleaner. How about the Sierra Club endorsing cars and encouraging people to buy new ones? Great idea, more jobs, cleaner air, and better mpg for everybody!

Hey look a monkey flew out of my butt!


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