Thursday, October 13, 2005

Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

wonder what PETA thinks?

Parrots being taught to protest G8

EDINBURGH, Scotland, Oct. 13 (UPI) --

An Edinburgh artist is developing a parrot act inspired by the famous Monty Python sketch and last summer's G-8 demonstrations.

Ruth Ewan has recruited parrot owners to teach their birds to chant popular numbers like "Bring the whole system down"; "If you want trade justice, clap your hands"; and "What do we want? Trade Justice! When do we want it? Now!"

Ewan plans to record the birds and play back the results during a show at the Capital Gallery called "Psittaciformes Trying to Change the World" -- using the Latin name for parrot.

The Monty Python "this is an ex-parrot" sketch contributed to her work, Ewan said, along with the belief that many of the 200,000 people who gathered in Edinburgh while the Group of 8 was meeting in Scotland did not really understand the slogans they were chanting.

"The parrot is funny but at the same time represents imperialism because of the notion that the parrot is in a cage and is being repressed by it," she said.

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